On Tuesday, March 7th, 2023, Pinar walked into First Class Tattoos, sat across from me on the couch with conspicuous grace and said, ā€œI want a dark, magical forest to grow over both of my arms and my back. And I am choosing you to do it.ā€ 

Over the next year and a half, every month like clockwork, we would greet each other with a big hug and bring our heads and our hearts together in joyous work to uncover a world on her skin. Our journey has transformed, supported, and humbled me in more ways than I can say. 

How bittersweet it is to mark the end of this chapter and come out the other side of countless flowers, homemade sourdough loaves, books, a few Nordic trips, two moves, and one big cry. Better now, and unimaginably changed. Thank you, Pinar. You are a goddess of a woman. It has been an incredible honor tattooing you, and an even greater one entering your orbit and becoming your friend. 

All the work in these photos is healed šŸ–¤ done at @firstclassnyc 

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Red Hand Files # 105
BlackworkAnimal and NatureBack and arms


The tattoo features a combination of intricate line work and detailed shading, showcasing various elements such as a skull, an eagle, and natural motifs like trees and animals. The design is expansive, covering the back and extending onto the arms, creating a cohesive narrative across the body.

Technical Details

Line Work: Intricate and detailed line work with varying thicknesses.

Shading: Heavy shading used to create depth and contrast, particularly in the skull and eagle.

Color Usage: Predominantly black ink with minimal use of color, focusing on the contrast between the skin and the ink.


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