Ich weiß, ich weiß: Orks und 'Herr der Ringe' sind nicht für jeden etwas. Dennoch bietet das, was Peter Jackson dort umgesetzt hat, eine Menge Potenzial und ist ein Fantasy-Meilenstein. Und ich habe offensichtlich Freude an der Umsetzung solcher Motive 😅

#schwelm #schwelmtattoo #tattooschwelm #wuppertal #ennepetal #gevelsberg #wuppertaltattoo #tattoostudio #lotrtattoo #lordoftheringstattoo #lordoftherings #orctattoo #herrderringe #herrderringetattoo
RealismPortraitUpper arm


The tattoo features a highly detailed and expressive face, partially obscured by a mask or bandages. The facial expression conveys a sense of anguish or rage, with visible teeth and intense eyes. The texture of the skin and the mask is rendered with intricate shading, giving a lifelike appearance.

Technical Details

Line Work: Fine and precise lines are used to define the features of the face and the texture of the mask.

Shading: Extensive shading techniques create depth and realism, with a focus on light and shadow to enhance the three-dimensional effect.

Color Usage: Predominantly black and gray, with subtle variations in tone to highlight different areas of the design.


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