🔥Ruota solare🔥
Ruota solare tatuata a mano, senza macchinetta. Ispirata a uno dei petroglifi di Madsebakke, Danimarca, risalenti alla tarda Età del Bronzo (1100-500 A.E.C.).
Grazie Boss @tattomatto.marcovilella 

Handpoked solar wheel inspired by  a petroglyph found in Madsebakke, Denmark, dating to the Late Bronze Age (1100-500 B.C.E.).

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Rome, Italy

DotworkSymbolicBehind the ear


The tattoo features a central circular design with three interlocking shapes, resembling a stylized peace symbol or a triskelion. Surrounding this central motif are small dots arranged in a circular pattern, creating a sun-like effect.

Technical Details

Line Work: The lines are clean and precise, with a focus on dotwork techniques.

Shading: Shading is achieved through the use of dots, creating a gradient effect around the central design.

Color Usage: The tattoo is primarily black and gray, utilizing varying densities of dots for depth.


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