I was incredibly lucky in getting to attend @slctattooexpo last month with @boartoothtattoo, along side @danielwerdertattoo, @sungsong_unbreakable and @romantattooing, for my first convention since 2013. Totally blown away by the kindness of the community at the show, and can’t wait to come visit some more shops on my travels.

This week also marks 14 years since I first tattooed someone. Thank you to @sass_tut for being my willing victim and mentor at the time. I had no idea that tattooing would end up consuming me entirely.

After some failed wrist surgery in 2018, I tried to quit, and hardly tattooed for 3 years. I attempted to find something else that would keep me obsessed in the same way, but nothing could keep its claws in me. I got back to tattooing, then came the pandemic, followed by an ADHD/Autism diagnosis. Life has started to make a more sense since then, so here’s to the next 14!

I was incredibly lucky in getting to attend @slctattooexpo last month with @boartoothtattoo, along side @danielwerdertattoo, @sungsong_unbreakable and @romantattooing, for my first convention since 2013. Totally blown away by the kindness of the community at the show, and can’t wait to come visit some more shops on my travels. This week also marks 14 years since I first tattooed someone. Thank you to @sass_tut for being my willing victim and mentor at the time. I had no idea that tattooing would end up consuming me entirely. After some failed wrist surgery in 2018, I tried to quit, and hardly tattooed for 3 years. I attempted to find something else that would keep me obsessed in the same way, but nothing could keep its claws in me. I got back to tattooing, then came the pandemic, followed by an ADHD/Autism diagnosis. Life has started to make a more sense since then, so here’s to the next 14!


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