Изначально хотел посвятить этот пост после столь продолжительного времени одному говённому человеку, который в очень сложное для моей семьи время, просто взял и уволил меня с работы. Но потом решил, то что и этого он не достоин. А сказать большое спасибо я бы хотел ребятам, которые разработали и создали замечательную тату машинку ACUS @acus_tattoomachines , данный аппарат на самом деле очень хорош и универсален! Данная работа выполнена с эксцентриком: 3,7 мм, частотой: 115 Гц и режим: m-2.

I originally wanted to dedicate this post, after such a long time, to one shitty man who, at a very difficult time for my family, just fired me from my job. But then I decided he didn’t deserve that either. And to say a big thank you I would like to say to the guys who have developed and created a wonderful tattoo machine ACUS @acus_tattoomachines , this machine is actually very good and versatile! This work is made with eccentric: 3,7 mm, frequency: 115 Hz and mode: m-2.
Kirill Sachkov

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

BlackworkSkull and SnakeForearm


The tattoo features a highly detailed skull intertwined with a snake, showcasing intricate line work and shading. The skull appears to be partially cracked, revealing a textured surface, while the snake is depicted in a dynamic pose, with its mouth open, displaying fangs. There are abstract elements, such as geometric shapes and web-like patterns, adding depth to the design.

Technical Details

Line Work: Fine and precise lines used for detailing the skull and snake.

Shading: Heavy shading techniques create depth and dimension, particularly in the skull's contours and the snake's scales.

Color Usage: Predominantly black and gray, with subtle highlights to enhance the three-dimensional effect.


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