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Tattoo Artists in Somerville, United States

Discover 2 talented tattoo artists in Somerville. Browse their portfolios, compare styles, and find the perfect artist for your next tattoo.

Some finished #tattoos some #inprogresstattoo New clients always welcomed. DM to inquire about starting your #japanesetattoo #sleevetattoo #backpiecetattoo #Phoenixtattoo #dragontattoo #octopustattooI’m so proud of this project!! Im so very obsessed with how this sleeve came together 🦈✨ 
Thank you endlessly for the trust and fun concepts!! 

#blackandgreytattoo #blackandgreytattoo #sharktattoo #sharks #turtletattoo #sealife #fish #bodyart #illustrativetattoo #tattoosleeve
Chameleon Tattoo

Chameleon Tattoo

@chameleonbodyarts8.8K followers
Swipe to see our amazing artist’s work from yesterday’s Valentine’s Day flash event!

If you missed out on this flash event, we have walk-in days every Friday from 12-8pm and upon availability during the week! Come swing by the shop for some more tattoos 🖤

Book an appointment with us by calling (908)
707-8000 or emailing us at info@artisanaltattoo.com

#valentines #walkindaytattoo #njtattooshop #artisanaltattoo #downtownsomerville
#flashtattoos #flashtattooideas #njtattooartist #blackandgreytattoo #lineworktattoos #colortattoos #colortattooideasmatching koi's by our apprentice @izabella.trinity 

Book an appointment by calling us at (908) 707-8000 or emailing info@artisanaltattoo.com

#koifish #koifishtattoo #fishtattoo #matchingtattoos #matchingtattoo #friendshiptattoo #blackandgreytattoo #downtownsomerville #njtattoo #somervilletattoo #smallbusiness #womenownedbusinessHave a hoot with this owl tattoo by Vega (@bryan_fn_vega) 🦉🖤

Book an appointment with us by calling us at (908) 707-8000 or emailing us at info@artisanaltattoo.com

#artisanaltattoo #downtownsomerville #tattoo #tattoos #njtattoo #njtattooartist #tattooshop #owl #owltattoo #bird #birdtattoo #hoothootBeautiful heart locket by Swift (@swift_springer) 🖤🖤

Book with Swift by going on his website shadesofswift.com

#shadesofswifttattoos #shadesofswift #downtownsomerville #downtownsomervillenj #artisanaltattoonj #artisanaltattoo #njtattooartist #njtattooshop #njtattooer #tattooartistnj #tattooshopnj #blackandgreytattoo #blackandgreytattooartist
Artisanal Tattoo

Artisanal Tattoo

@artisanal_tattoo6.8K followers