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Tattoo Artists in San Jose, United States

Discover 3 talented tattoo artists in San Jose. Browse their portfolios, compare styles, and find the perfect artist for your next tattoo.

One of the cool pieces I got to do while guest spotting at @brotherhood_cawasaki last week in Japan.Tattoo artworkMy submission for the @deadendmagazine 20 year anniversary. SUGOI NIGHT. Prints will be available to purchase in Japan.Tattoo artwork
Abraham Ortega

Abraham Ortega

@abrahamortegaโ€ข12.4K followers
PIKMIN JOB STOPPA TATT๐ŸŒธ ear n face cuff styleโœจ๐Ÿ’• thanks so much! These little adornments are so so precious... I wanna do more cute-theme pieces esp on this placement!

2024 bookings are coming to a close-- now booking for Jan- April 2025! Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š 

#pikmin #nintendo #videogametattoo #sjtattoo #bayareatattoo #kawaiitattoospecial summon! red eyes black badtz and kuromi the sky dragon!!
Such a a sick collaboration, thank you based asf sanrio ๐Ÿฅน

stumbling through post-travel craziness and almost caught up replying to inquiries โค๏ธโค๏ธ if you've sent something to me within the last month please remember to check your spam box! I got a couple sitting in my unread but I see y'all!! I'll be caught up soon...

and as always books are open, open, open!! I'm always happy to work with your ideas and budget, so please don't hesitate to ask!

#sjtattoo #bayareatattoo #parallaxartstudio #queertattooer #yugioh #sanrio #ygo #animetattoo #kawaiitattoocuddling in a nest of stars and toys ๐Ÿ’– a loving piece for her two babies, bono and cho. They are inseparable.

It's an honor to create such a precious tattoo for you Patricia. The smallest creatures leave the biggest impressions in our hearts. Go hug your babies today! And every day!

##sjtattoo #bayareatattoo #parallaxartstudio #queertattooer #cattooHappy like a dragon: pirates in Hawaii release day!! Finally the Majima gaiden game I've quietly hoped for... (#repost)

Digging back into the collection of majimas I've amassed over the years, ranging from 2024 back to 2020... If you've been following me, you know how crazy I am for this series and this character in particular-- It feels odd to say that a piece of media has changed me, but it's true! I never considered myself beyond a casual gamer but it's now 14+ games (and a couple replays) under my belt. The ost, the fun soap opera drama stories, and the art? Oh the art... I could go on forever about the tattoo designs. โค๏ธ

It's just a ton of fun and has given me a fresh appreciation especially for tattoo art. I owe a lot to it! And for all the friends and clients I have met with this shared love, thank you so much ๐Ÿ’ž  and thank you, Goro Majima you sweet insane soul

Enjoy ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž

#likeadragon #majimagoro
Crystal K ๐Ÿฆ

Crystal K ๐Ÿฆ

@crystalchariotโ€ข9.9K followers
Look whoโ€™s back! The Tattoo John is back in the shop tattooing after his triple bypass surgery. #sanjosetattoo #thetattoojohn #tattootimeHad fun tattooing @meli_renee23 yesterday! She sat like a champ so we finished in one sitting #badassmel #flowertattoo #angelsanjosetattoo #myfriendtakestatsbetterthanyours ๐Ÿ˜‚Had fun doing this one!#angelsanjosetattoo
Angel Fukuhara

Angel Fukuhara

@angelsanjosetattooโ€ข900 followers