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Tattoo Artists in Ohio, United States

Discover 1 talented tattoo artists in Ohio. Browse their portfolios, compare styles, and find the perfect artist for your next tattoo.

Kicking off this Monday morning with a beautiful piece from @chrispowelltattoos that he finished last week! Tap to view his profile and more photos of this one.ASTROPUNK β˜„οΈπŸ€˜

A little closeup action of the newest tattoo i did with @vanfossenmatthew ! What would you call this piece?

@thousandoakstattoos @hell_city @empireinks @bishoptattoosupply @neumatattoomachines @ghostlineapp @saulgoodx 

Really looking forward to doing some more rad designs like this one! If you’re looking for something epic in this style, send me your ideas through my website!πŸ’‘πŸ”₯πŸ™Œ

#skulltattoos #realismtattoos #empireinksFirst 2 days on a new designs! 🀘πŸ”₯ I appreciate you sitting like a beast Sean! Really looking forward to the next session on this one πŸ™Œ

Would love to do more tattoos like this! πŸ‘€

πŸ“Έ: @saulxgood 

#ohiotattooers #ohiotattooartist #daytontattooartist #daytontattoo #realismtattoos #surrealismtattooBLESSED πŸ‘οΈ

I wanted to shoutout my client Mike today cause I was thinking about him and damn I’ve gotten to do a lot of tattooing with him this last year! Not to mention he’s been open with creative freedom and the collaborative outcome turned out awesome. Really have been enjoying working on with him on these tattoos and stoked to do some more! I appreciate you man πŸ€˜πŸ‘ŠπŸ™Œ

@thousandoakstattoos @empireinks @ghostlineapp @neumatattoomachines 

@saulgoodx πŸ“·

#blackandgreytattoos #blackandgreyrealism #empireinks #badasstattoos
Ohio Tattoo Artist - Christopher Powell

Ohio Tattoo Artist - Christopher Powell

@chrispowelltattoosβ€’19.1K followers