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Tattoo Artists in Milford, United States

Discover 1 talented tattoo artists in Milford. Browse their portfolios, compare styles, and find the perfect artist for your next tattoo.

It’s been 1 year since me and @alanbarbosatattoos did our first collab together!
Which’s mean we are definitely due for another one 🤔
@valkyrietattoo_studio #collabtattoo #collaboration #collabortiveart #tattoodesign #skulltattoo #tattoosnob #flowertattoo #sleevetattoo #legtattoo #ladytattooers #cttattoos #cttattooartist #cttattooshop #milfordct #newenglandtattoonetwork #blackandgreytattooPart of a large piece that I’m been working on 🙈

#tattoo #alanbarbosatattoos #valkyrietattoostudio #blackandgreytattoo #cttattooartistNow booking !!!


#tattoo #tattooartist #valkyrietattoostudio #jurassicpark #alanbarbosatattoos #cttattooartist
Alan Barbosa

Alan Barbosa

@alanbarbosatattoos42.8K followers