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Tattoo Artists in Chicago, United States

Discover 7 talented tattoo artists in Chicago. Browse their portfolios, compare styles, and find the perfect artist for your next tattoo.

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Finalmente culminamos este proyecto geométrico, ya que este estilo de tatuajes requiere de mucha dedicación, paciencia y muchas horas de trabajo, gracias al Sr. Chema por su gran aguante! Próximamente continuamos con sus Piernas 😬 @kurosumitattooink ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
👉🏿Llámanos 918 755 267‬
Calle Toledo 134 con Santa Casilda 1
Madrid, 28005

#tatuajesdotwork #tatuajesgeometricos #dotworktattoos #sacredgeometry #inkclawtattoo #masttattoo  #tatuajesabstractos #puntillismotattoo #geometripI’m back, composición geométrica 3D en puntillismo o dotwork done with @kurosumitattooink , tengo algunos días disponibles antes de verano, si te molan los tatuajes geométricos no dudes en contactarme: Baltasartattoo@gmail.com 

#dotworktattoo #dotworkmadrid #tatuajesgeometricos #puntillismotattoo #geometriasagrada #kurosumitattooink #puntillismogeometrico #inkclawtattooDesde otro ángulo... #inkclawtattoo #masttattoo  #dotwork #mandala realizado en  MadridGeometric Mandala tattoo done at @speakeasytat in Chicago with @kurosumitattooink , #mandalachicago #sacredgeometrytattoo #dotworktattoo
Jean Marco Cicolini

Jean Marco Cicolini

@jeanmarcotattoo52.8K followers
Algunos trabajos de estos días, encantado siempre de hacer tatuajes a color.
📲872 808 6097
#mango #mangotattoo #mangotattoos #phoenix #phoenixtattoo #fenix #fenixtattoo #snake #snaketattoo #madrabbitambassador #madrabbittattoo #electrum #tattooshop #chicagotattoo #inkmasterstattooshow #🥭 #🫐 #🐍 #🐦‍🔥Tattoo artwork🐺 GAROU 🐺 
#tattoolife #tattoo #tatt #tattoos #onepunchman #anime #garou #chicagotattooartist #chicagoartist #chicago #3rl #peppershading #linework #ilinois
Chicago Ink ✶ Tattoo

Chicago Ink ✶ Tattoo

@chicagoinktattoo28.2K followers
I’ve been marinating on this experience for over a week, going through over 100 photos of this 😅 and just cannot hold back anymore because this was one of the most incredible experiences of my time as a tattooer on this Earth!!! I don’t know where this epic woman came from but I’m so proud to know her. We completed this entire back piece in 4 DAYS STRAIGHT 41 hours start to finish (3 hrs to piece the stencil and draw some things back in) . Thank you, thank you for everything! I’m continually in awe of this magically brutal experience 🖤🙏 thank you tattoo gods and goddesses for blessing me with such a strong and fantastic client and bringing an awesome soul into my life!🔥 (anonymity is appreciated please don’t tag her if you know her 🙏)👹🌙 #backpiece #tattoo #tattoos #wholeback #largetattoo #blackandgreytattoo #demontattoo #demons #eyeballs #gruesome #tttism #tattoosnob #inkedmagazine #inked #ink #thegreys #bishoprotary #blackclawneedle #travelingtattooer #sanjose #theinkapp #cali #nyc #brooklyn #hadesinquisition🕯️There is nothing you can find outside of yourself that isn’t inside you already. The warrior planet of mars is making its transit through cancer, mars fiery energy isn’t used to the deep waters of cancer, it may feel like a slowing down or unfamiliar territory. Take time and take care to nurture the things that make you feel whole🤍🪞🪷Outline for  @_janibells knee in addition to her leg sleeve. 🪷🕉️
#tattoo #tattoos #love #drawnon #freehand #legsleeve #ornate #ornamental #floral #hadesinquisition🐍 Cosmic Serpent🌌 the Serpent Power. “fundamental life force and, at the same time, the supreme spiritual energy usually lying dormant and coiled three-and-a-half times around muladhara chakra at the base of the subtle spine.” Intertwined with magnolia flowers, a plant more ancient than bees. Thank you 🙏🏼 so much for making this trip 🙏🏼🕯️🤍🕉️🪷⚔️
#tattoo #tattoos #cosmicserpent #dotwork #fineline #botanicalillustration #floralillustration #freehand #handdrawn #travel #travelingtattooartist #create #draw #handmade #hadesinquisition🕯️Walking toward the threshold of an eclipse portal. ⚔️ “Our inner worlds and demons that come alive with the lunar eclipse often receive closure and healing as we move towards a solar eclipse.” As we learn how to be the snake 🐍 and lay low, “Dig into the cave of your own disowned darkness and shine a little sunlight into the hidden crevasses” 👁️
🙏🏼 3 days in a row to make this sleeve with such a brave and strong soul. Be prepared for all the photos of every tiny detail we created over 15 hrs , give or take, over these 3 days. I’m in awe of anyone who can dedicate this time and mental energy, this is by far my favorite way to work. Thank you is never big enough 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼⚔️
#tattoo #tattoos #sleeve #fullsleeve #tattooideas #workhorseirons #blackclawneedle #travel #travelingtattooer #ornatetattoo #mandala #blackworktattoo #floral #floraltattoo #nyctattoo #blackandgreytattoo #ornamental #ornamentaltattoo #ornate #fineline #finelinetattoo #bold #boldtattoos #boldlines #tattooartist #botanicaltattoo #spiderwebs #eyes #hadesinquisition
Becki Wilson

Becki Wilson

@beckiwilson14.9K followers
Double dose of tattoo ladies today- @natashabertram with the gothy/vampy/girly vibes. There are some very graphic slick tricks in this one- look closely 👀. Find Natasha @brownbrotherstattooA couple of fun tattoos thank you for getting work done by me 🙏 much love always 🙏

I have time to tattoo you! Dm me to get in! 

#chicagotattooartist #humboldtparktattooartists #blackworkerssubmission #blackwork🚨We are happy to announce that starting next week @beans_tattoos will be joining the team on Mondays and Sundays!
To book an appointment feel free to reach her directly🚨A couple of fun tattoos over the last couple of days thanks to everyone who trust in my work! I’m still booking FEBRUARY AND MARCH 

#chicagotattooartist #chicagoblackwork #blackworktattoo #blackworkerssubmission #blackworktattoos
Brown Brothers Tattoo.               904 N California Chicago

Brown Brothers Tattoo. 904 N California Chicago

@brownbrotherstattoo14.5K followers
You can always do better… and better.

@exico.latam @exico.official 

#tattoo #tattoolife #tattooart #tattooartistFierce 

Realizado con cartuchos ÉXICO

#tiger #tigertattoo #blackwork #blackworktattoo #blackandgreytattoo #merida #yucatan #mexicoLes comparto algunos tattoos que hice recientemente. Muchas muchas gracias a todos los que han llegado y confiado para que trabaje en sus proyectos! 

Realidados con cartuchos @exico.latam @exico.official 

#tattoo #tattooart #tattoos #tatuajes #tats #blackwork #blackworktattoos #fineline #finelinetattooIcaro.

Realizado con cartuchos @exico.latam @exico.official y @bishoprotary en @inkedsoul_tatts 

#blackwork #blackandgraytattoo #wingtattoo #wingstattoo #wings #fineline #finelinetsttoo #merida #yucatan México


@fabiantats9.2K followers
Hey everyone! 
We have a super exciting list of artists that are coming to tattoo with us this coming season! 

Our upcoming guest for 2025 We are hosting the super talented @medztattoos March 26-27. Go follow our friend, support his art and show him some love. 

#tattoo #artist #chicago #chicagotattooartist #chicagotattoo #chicagotattooshops #realism #realistictattoosOur resident artist @navilesart with the close ups 👀

#tattoo #tattooart #chicagotattooartist ##realismartist #chicagotattoo #blackandgreytattoo ##blackatlasstudiosLady Justice by @carmela.ink 

Contact her for all of your lady face and ornamental needs

#femaletattooartist #filipinotattooartist #chicagotattooartist #ladyjusticetattoo #girlswithtattoosOur resident artist @crystal.thornss does this amazing fineline timeless tattoo. Go check her out and reach out to us to book with her! 
#blackandgreytattoo #blackandgrey #illustrativetattoo #hourglasstattoo #forearmtattoo #floraltattoo #tattoo #tattooartist #chicago #chicagotattooartist #grateful #gratitude
Black Atlas Studios

Black Atlas Studios

@blackatlasstudios8.8K followers
Who else STANs for Tom Selleck besides @chicagoseamus and I? 🌴 🌅 . . . #tomselleck#magnumpi#1980s#tomsellecktattoo#gayswithtattoos#🏳️‍🌈 #instagay#ladytattooer#darkhearttattoo#avondaletattooI got to do part of this gorgeous painting by @jamesjeanart Maze 2008. What an honor. #jamesjean #jamesjeanart #jamesjeantattoo #chicagotattooers #chicagotattooartists #darkheartchicago #painterlytattoo #maze #chicagotattooNever stop fighting.  #pinuptattoo #pinupgirl #militarypinup #colortattoo #realismtattoo #chicagotattoo #chicagotattooartist #chicagotattooshop #darkhearttattoo #vintagepinup #vintagetattoo #1940spinup #chicagoart #pinupartGot to see these two ugly mugs healed. Jason is 5 years healed, Joker is 4 years healed.  #jasonvoorhees #fridaythe13th #fridaythe13thtattoo #campcrystallake #joker #jokertattoo #horror #heathledger #chicagotattooer #jokermovie  #Chicagotattoo #chicagotattooartists #chicagotattoos #chicagotattooshops #darkhearttattoo #darkartists #occultart #portraittattoo #colortattoo #colorrealism #everydayishalloween


@angelakoscaltattoo4.0K followers