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Tattoo Artists in Barberino di Mugello, Italy

Discover 1 talented tattoo artists in Barberino di Mugello. Browse their portfolios, compare styles, and find the perfect artist for your next tattoo.

🇮🇹 Il primo step di un tatuaggio che richiede più sedute, per me è sempre creare una panoramica completa di tutto il progetto. Questo permette non solo di comprendere l’anatomia di ogni singola persona, ma sopratutto di avere fin da subito un’idea concreta di come il disegno veste e modifica il corpo di chi lo porta.
🇬🇧 For me the most crucial step of a large tattoo is to focus on the bigger picture from the beginning. This gives me the possibility to understand the anatomy of every single body and how the design is gonna suit and modify its shape. 
#tattooprocess #snertattoos #tatuaggio #bodyart #skinart #stenciltattoo #freehandtattoo #tattoofirenze #tatuatoriitaliani #locuswomb #florencetattoo #italytattoo #tattooitalia #tattoolife #mandalatattoo #ornamentaltattoo #dotworktattooCalf view of this geometric tattoo done on Lachlan in 2.5 days in a row! You can see the whole tattoo in the previous posts in case you missed it! 
#snertattoos #locuswomb #tatuaggifirenze #tatuatoriitaliani #tatuaggigeometrici #tatuaggicoverup #coveruptattoo #mandalatattoo #florencetattoo #geometrictattoo #dotworktattoo4 years healed twin legs on Johnny! Thanks for coming back! 🙏🏾 
Always nice to see well settled work after years. Here you can see how the light grey tones pop out and give contrast to the tattoo. It is important to consider how ink evolves in time, in order to be able to create timeless work which is gonna last and go further than just your next Instagram post. 
Last availabilities for winter, booking spring 2025.
DM for info! 
#snertattoos #florencetattoo #geometrictattooing #tatuaggiogamba #tatuatoriitalianj #mandalatattoo #madewithgeometrica #inkedmag #skinarthealed #healedtattoo #eclipsetattooink 
Thanks for watching1 or 2? What do you think? Thanks for watching! ✨🤙🏽
This is a digital tattoo mockup available to become true! Shoot me a DM for further information! ☺️
Please don’t copy 
#tattooideas #firenzetattoo #snertattoos #tattooitalia #tatuatori #tatuaggiornamentali #linework #tattoodesign #tattooart #digitaltattooart #ipadprotattooteam #procreatetattoo #locuswomb
Tattoos | Daniele Caputo | Geometric Ornamental Blackwork

Tattoos | Daniele Caputo | Geometric Ornamental Blackwork

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