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Tattoo Artists in Landsberg, Germany

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Werbung-catched a healed picture from this @fcbayern @arjenrobben @franckribery7 upperleg i finished at the DMAX show😃🙌🏻
Hope you like it buddies😃🙌🏻
I wish you a super rockin day!!! Hell yeah🤘🏻😎🤘🏻
Done with:
CheyenneSolnova Unlimited 3.5, Intenze @bobtyrrell Set, 3,5 liner, 5rs, 7,13,17magsoft Cheyennecartriges
Hell YeAh & Rock n roll!💥💣🚀#cheyenneprofessionaltattooequipment #inkbooster #intenze #intenzeink #inkprotector #tadoo #dermalizepro #wantplay #thelvxlightofficial #cheyennefamily #funkeyewear #arjenrobben #frankribery #frankribery7 #robbery #fcbayern #protectyourart #squidster_skinmarker #cleanyskin_tattoo_wipes #studio22skinartlandsberg #sullen  #solnovaumlimited #instaartist #instagood #instadesign #tattoo #tattoos #benebader #tattoooftheday #cheyenne_tattooequipment„the wave in my head“

The upper part is healed-low fresh…thx to alex for the nice experience and journey with you! I loved it😎🤙🏼

Hope you like it buddies😃🙌🏻

I wish you a super rockin weekend!!! Hell yeah🤘🏻😎🤘🏻

CheyenneSolnovaUnlimited3.5, Intenze @bobtyrrell Set, 3liner0,25/5+7liner0,30-3rs0,25/5+7+9rs0,30-7se0,30/17se+21se0,25 Cheyennecartriges
Cheyenne Prep&Care during

Hell YeAh & Rock n roll!💥💣🚀#cheyenne_tattooequipment #outerspace 
#dermalizepro #dermatattoo #design #story #outofthebox #wantplay #intenze #intenzeink #benebader 
#funkeyewear #turbo #sullen #rise
#wave #blackandwhite #surflifeGuest Spot TIME 🤘🏻
Hello Vienna vom 06.02. - 10.02.2023 bin ich bei meinem guten Freund @boristattoo zu Gast 💪🏻
Für Terminvergabe wendet euch direkt per Mail an boristattoowien@gmail.com
#tattoo #tattooart #wien #wientattoo #realism #portraittattoo #tattooartist #cheyennetattooequipment #intenzetattooink„THE DEVIL IS MY NEIGHBOUR“

Fully healed chest…thx to marco giving me the space, trust and opportunity to dance.
You are super strong!

Hope you like it buddies😃🙌🏻

I wish you a super rockin day!!! Hell yeah🤘🏻😎🤘🏻

CheyenneSolnovaUnlimited3.5, Intenze @bobtyrrell Set, 3liner0,25/5+7liner0,30-3rs0,25/5+7+9rs0,30-7se0,30/17se+21se0,25 Cheyennecartriges
Cheyenne Prep&Care during

Hell YeAh & Rock n roll!💥💣🚀#cheyenne_tattooequipment #outerspace 
#dermalizepro #dermatattoo #design #story #outofthebox #wantplay #intenze #intenzeink #benebader 
#funkeyewear #turbo #sullen #rise
#space #blackandwhite
Bene Bader

Bene Bader

@benebader19.1K followers